Subject Leader Mr.McLindon | English and Media: Miss Crozier |
| English: Mr.Elliot | Progress Leaders: Miss Bate | Assistant Associate Principal and Senior Link: Mrs.Boyd Rugen |
Year Group | Term 1 | Term 2 | Term 3 |
7 | 20st Century Novel Study: Skellig (Almond) | Oliver and Alma: Study of key events in Oliver Twist Study of the short film “Alma” as a springboard for narrative writing Crime writing | Poetry from a Range of Cultures : |
8 | Contemporary Novel Study: | Modern Drama: Study of a text written since 1900 Write and perform your own script | Comparing Killer Crimes |
9 | American Novel Study: | Narrative Writing | Comparing 19th and 21st century texts: |
10 | Shakespeare Study: GCSE Literature Text | English Language Component 1: | Modern GCSE Text: |
11 | Eduqas GCSE English Language: | Component 2 Transactional Writing | The Final Countdown: Strategic Revision of all aspects of language and Literature |
What the pupils say……
“I’ve loved everything about English this year and have had so much support from my teacher.” Year 10 Girl
“I liked studying novels in class and really enjoyed the opportunities to do my own creative writing.” Year 8 Boy
Five ways to support your children:
Useful websites and resources:
BBC Bitesize KS3 English
Mr.Bruff Power and Conflict GCSE Poetry
The Grange Academy
Latham Avenue
Tel: 01928 562 660