KS3 - Computer Science During KS3 students are taught Computer Science once a week. Throughout each year students will be provided with the opportunity to cover a wide variety of topics including Microsoft Office, E Safety, Web Design and two...
In the Design and Technology department your child will experience a curriculum rich in challenge and excitement. We aim to introduce students to a variety of materials and technologies all of which takes place in our stunning new Design and...
Subject Leader Mr.McLindon English and Media: Miss Crozier English: Mr.Elliot Progress Leaders: Miss Bate Assistant Associate Principal and Senior Link: Mrs.Boyd Rugen Year Group Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 7 20st Century Novel...
Curriculum In year 7 and 8 learners are following a two year foundation GCSE curriculum. In both years learners receive 4 lessons of mathematics and are set two pieces of homework per week using the MyMaths website plus a research project. Within...
Music Mr Beavon Faculty Lead of Music & Drama Mrs Foster Teacher of Music, Drama, Photography & Science Miss McGeough Teacher of Music & Drama Year Group Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 7 Find Your Voice: Students use their voice...
Our vision is to raise standards of achievement and levels of participation in PE and sport for all our students across the age range. Our aims are: To provide high quality PE and sport for all young people. To enable all young people, whatever...
Personal, Social, Health, Citizenship and Economic Education. PSHCEE is taught within the curriculum each week. Students will study a unit of the PSHCEE curriculum each half term with an assessment at the end of the period. Aims of PSHCEE are to...
Teacher of Science Mr T Farrell Subject Leader of Science Mrs Harris 2nd in charge of Science Mr Mooney Teacher of Science Mr Challinor Teacher of Science Miss Lightfoot Associate Principal and Senior Link Year Group Term 1 Term 2...
The Grange Academy
Latham Avenue
Tel: 01928 562 660
Email: info@thegrangeacademy.co.uk