Careers Lead at The Grange Academy: Mrs L Bibby Assistant Associate Principal Contact: Tel: 01928 562660 | ![]() |
Provider Access Policy Statement 2023-2024
All students in Key Stages 2-4 are provided with opportunities to engage in high quality Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) that provides them with an understanding of the world of work, helps them to explore career options and supports them in making decisions about the opportunities open to them.
We strive to enable all students to make an effective post-16 transfer and to leave us equipped to meet their full potential.
The aims of our CEIAG programme
The careers programme is designed to meet the needs of the students at this school and equip them with lifelong career management skills that prepare them for successful transitions into further education and work. The programme is differentiated and personalised to ensure progression through activities that are appropriate to students’ stages of career learning, planning and development.
CEIAG plays a crucial role in enabling all students to meet their full potential in life. We aim to help students with their self-awareness and self-development, practise career exploration skills, gain an understanding of the full range of options open to them and develop career management skills so that they are empowered to do their own research and create high quality applications in the future.
In addition, we also aim to inspire our students and aim high in their post-16 choices by exposing them to first hand experiences of the working world and further and higher education institutions.
We continue to evaluate the programme to strive to improve its effectiveness against the learning outcomes.
Students are also given the opportunity to meet local and national employers, FE/HE institutions and training/apprenticeship providers at the school careers fair. In addition, local FE colleges are invited into school to address the students about their offer in more depth.
Careers information is available in the school library in addition to online resources at:
A Careers noticeboard is displayed in a prominent position within the school Atrium.
A specific room is available for the external IAG provider to conduct one to one interviews and any other work related to their duties.
The CEIAG programme is greatly enhanced through links with a number of partners who help us to make the students learning ‘real’ and up to date. As well as the strong links with our careers advisers, the Careers Education Service at Halton Borough Council, we constantly strive to expand and improve our links with employers and other local groups.
Our students can request an appointment with the schools Careers Advisor to discuss examination course option choices and post 16 progression routes or for general advice. All students in Year 10 and 11 will have 121 meetings with our Careers Advisor to prepare them for Work Experience and College/Apprenticeship interviews.
Our partners include FE/HE colleges with whom we hold regular meetings in order to review our CEIAG programme, keep up to date with curriculum changes on both sides and plan for effective student transfer. In addition, FE/HE and apprenticeship providers regularly visit the school to speak to our students about the options available to them and how to access any support.
School Letter 14-19 Team 2024 Halton
Work Experience
Career of the Week
Post 16 Information – Where next?
Leaving school is an exciting time but it can also be difficult to know what to do next. Doing your research and finding out as much information as you can about the opportunities available to you will help you to make a successful transition into life beyond school.
What options do I have?
Students leaving school can continue to study a variety of academic or vocational courses at college or a sixth form or they can apply for an Apprenticeship. There is a requirement that all young people will remain in some form of education or training until they are 18 years old. The following information outlines some of the options available to you:
‘A’ Levels/AS Levels
A levels and AS levels are taught in a similar way, however, A levels are a more advanced qualification that will usually be delivered over 2 years (360 guided learning hours). A-level results will be based entirely on the exams you taken at the end of the course.
AS levels are similar to the first year of an A-level course (180 guided learning hours) and are generally taught over 1 year. The new AS Levels are stand-alone qualifications in their own right. There will be one examination series each year.
For specific details regarding the courses that you are interested in please contact the local colleges/sixth form providers. Alternatively you can speak to our careers advisor in school.
Follow the link below for further details regarding A-Level and AS Level courses:
Vocational Courses
A-Levels and AS Levels are not suited to everyone. You may prefer to learn in a more practical way that will help you to gain real experience, skills and knowledge that will equip you to work in your chosen career. Vocational qualifications are designed to meet industry standards and as a result will prepare you for a real work environment.
Vocational qualifications include BTEC’s, NVQ’s and Diploma’s.
Follow the link below for further details regarding vocational qualifications:
An apprenticeship is a job with training. Although most time will be spent in the workplace gaining job-specific skills, you will also be supported by a local college or training company to build up your knowledge and qualifications.
When completing an apprenticeship you will work for a real employer, earn a real salary and gain a real qualification whilst gaining valuable workplace skills and experience.
Follow the link below for further details regarding apprenticeships:
T-levels are a new type of qualification that focuses on high-level technical study and work-ready skills. They have been developed to offer a quality alternative to A-levels and will provide young people with a clear route to skilled employment, as well as progression to higher or degree Apprenticeships, or degree-level study at university.
T-levels will combine the career focus and practical elements of current technical and professional qualifications like BTECs and NVQs, with the theory and study of traditional A-levels.
A core component of the T-levels qualification is a 45-day industry-based placement, where students will apply the theory they learn in the classroom to the workplace and develop the essential work-ready skills that employers are looking for.
Where can I study?
Over the years The Grange Academy has developed very close relationships with a number of college and sixth form providers. It is important that you take some time to investigate what each institution can offer and how this will help you in your next steps in your education. Each will offer something different so we strongly recommend that you speak to and visit each of the post-16 providers and others in order for you to get a ‘feel’ for the environment and also to see what courses and enrichment activities they have on offer. For further information or advice regarding your post 16 options you can speak to Mrs Bibby or the school careers adviser. |
The content of this page is reviewed termly. Last reviewed September 2021. Next review date January 2022.
Other useful links:
Useful websites
FE colleges:
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The Grange Academy
Latham Avenue
Tel: 01928 562 660