We are very much looking forward to welcoming you and your child to ourschool at our upcoming induction events. Please see below the outline of ourInduction Days/Evening in order for you to be fully prepared for the events:
Induction Day 1 - Monday 2nd July, 8.30am-3.00pm
Learnersshould report to the main reception on arrival, wear the uniform of theircurrent school and bring with them a pair of trainers as PE is on thetimetable. During the day our new learners will meet other members of Year6 in their Form and House groups. They will meet their ProgressLeader and key members of staff and follow a sample timetable ofactivities.
InductionEvening - Monday 2ndJuly, 5.30pm – 7:00pm
This willgive an opportunity for parents/carers to meet with key staff in the school andto spend time with your child’s Progress Tutor (if available). Parents/carers will also be able to hear from the Principal and the ProgressLeader for Year 7. Information will also be requested on the evening whichparent/carers will need to return to school.
InductionDay 2 - Tuesday 3rd July 8.30am-3.00 pm
On oursecond Induction Day, the learners will get to experience a day at The GrangeAcademy and will follow a set timetable. They will take part in a range of lessons and get to spend time withtheir new form group, meeting key members of staff from across the school.
All mealsand drinks will be provided for the two days and the learners will leave schoolat the end of the day through our main reception area if you need to makearrangements for them to be collected.
Please contact us if you have any furtherquestions and we look forward to meeting you soon.The Grange Academy
Latham Avenue
Tel: 01928 562 660
Email: info@thegrangeacademy.co.uk