SENDCO Secondary Miss L McPartland
Tel: 01928 562660
SENDCO Primary Miss R Salisbury
Tel: 01928 562660
Resource Base Provision
There are four Resource Bases at The Grange Academy. Places are allocated via the Local Authority Placement Panel.
KS1 Autism Resource Base
Contact: Miss K Stockton
KS2 Autism Resource Base
Contact: Miss R Salisbury
KS3/4 Autism Resource Base
Contact: Miss L McPartland
SEND Provision
The Grange Academy is a mainstream all through school who strive to provide the best learning opportunities for all pupils. Our core values promote an inclusive school community. We recognise that all pupils are individuals who have different learning needs and we work hard to ensure all pupils are given the right balance of support and challenge.
Our SEND team work closely together to coordinate the SEND provision liaising with parents, young people with SEND, school staff, and specialist support from the local authority and any other agencies where appropriate. We follow the guidelines set out in the code of practice and work closely with the local authority in identifying and assessing students with SEND. Within this we also include young people with SEND who are looked after.
For further information, please refer to our School’s SEND Policy and SEND Information Report located under the Policy Section.
Send Local Offer
Send information report 2023-2024