Our qualified teachers and highly experienced staff provide a caring environment in which your child can flourish socially, emotionally, physically and intellectually. We support the development of each child to enable them to maximise their potential within a nurturing and stimulating environment, promoting the Seven Areas of Learning in the Foundation Stage Curriculum.
Miss K Stockton | Vice Principal (Prmary) |
Mrs A Day | Nursery Teacher |
Mrs K Carr | Nursery Teaching Assistant |
Mrs L Winn | Nursery Teaching Assistant |
The Nursery is very much an integral part of The Grange Academy and along with the Reception classes it makes up the Early Years Unit. Nursery children take part in school activities and become familiar with other members of staff and routines. Our Nursery provides the best possible preparation for future life in school.
Your child will be offered either morning or afternoon sessions each day in Nursery. These sessions are at the following times:
Morning Session: 8.30am —11.30am Afternoon Session: 12.15pm —3.15pm
Children can also attend full time
Staff will accompany your child to and from the main entrance at the beginning and end of each session.
Can we ask that you please be as prompt as possible when collecting your child. As you can see from the times above, our staff have a very quick turn over between sessions and in this time they have to tidy up and prepare the classroom, as well have their own lunch. After school there are also lots of meetings that must be attended by staff.
Thank you so much for your cooperation.
The Nursery Team
If your child is to be picked up by someone other than the usual parent or carer then please inform staff in advance or telephone school. Please notify the school if your child is absent through illness or needs to attend an appointment.
The Grange Academy
Latham Avenue
Tel: 01928 562 660
Email: info@thegrangeacademy.co.uk