Welcome to The Grange Academy. We are a very successful school which provides a high quality of education for its pupils. We want your child to receive an excellent education in a happy and secure environment. We are committed to achieving the very best for every child.
We recognise the importance of developing the whole child so that each individual pupil can grow up able to make a positive contribution to the society in which they live.
To achieve this we provide opportunities for all children to develop a range of skills within a broad, balanced and exciting curriculum.
We believe that all learning should be meaningful and engaging and that by encouraging respect for each other and valuing the opportunities available, we shall all grow and learn together.
We work hard to create a learning environment which strives for excellence and which celebrates the achievements of everyone in our school community.
The Grange Academy
Latham Avenue
Tel: 01928 562 660
Email: info@thegrangeacademy.co.uk