Miss Hogan
Mr Beavon
Our ‘all-through’ Performing Arts curriculum is designed to offer students engaging and relevant experiences within the creative subjects. The main purpose of the curriculum is to support students in developing a love of learning within Performing Arts, developing a culturally rich and diverse programme of study which is routed in mutual respect and understanding. Students will develop understanding of the key knowledge and skills needed to be successful and achieve well in Performing Arts throughout the Primary and Secondary phase, whilst preparing students for further studies beyond The Grange Academy.
The Music curriculum is built on the guiding principles of ‘MAD TSHIRT’ which focuses on students developing a solid understanding of the elements of music which underpin all aspects of becoming a successful musician, performance, composer and appraiser.
The Drama curriculum is built on the guiding principles of ‘Technique, Body, Voice’ which focuses on students understanding the synergy needed between dramatic techniques, the use of our body and the use of our voice to create the best possible performances.
All Through Curriculum Map 2024-2025
The Grange Academy
Latham Avenue
Tel: 01928 562 660
Email: info@thegrangeacademy.co.uk