Miss Gittins and Miss Hemsley would like to take this opportunity to say a big thank you for all who came along to share our Year 3 Greek Day with us. The children thoroughly enjoyed immersing themselves in our topic this term and they absolutely loved preparing the food and activities for the day, as well as performing our Greek alphabet song for their parents and carers. It was a fantastic atmosphere in the classrooms, a hive of activity with children and parents alike making Greek crowns, Greek scrolls, looking at our Greek artefacts and sharing our homemade Greek banquet, some of which the children had made that morning. We have received some lovely feedback from our parents which is much appreciated. We look forward to welcoming you back into school in the future to share some more of your children’s fantastic learning.
The Grange Academy
Latham Avenue
Tel: 01928 562 660
Email: info@thegrangeacademy.co.uk